Mr. Kamalesh Kumar
P.G.Department of Agriculture
Assistant Professor
M.Sc. (Agriculture) Agronomy
Experience:8 Years
Publication and Activity Details
Journal Publications
- Kamalesh ,(2020),Response of integrated nutrient management practices on growth and tuber yield of potato crop (Solanum tuberosum L.) in clay soils of Punjab,International Journal of Chemical Studies ,Vol.8,PP.2202-2206
- Kamalesh ,(2020),Influence of plant hormones and level of phosphorus on growth and yield of field pea (Pisum sativum L.) under irrigated conditions of Punjab,International Journal of Chemical Studies ,Vol.8,PP.2231-2234
- Kamalesh ,(2019),Need to move towards the barley cultivation ,International Journal of Chemical Studies ,Vol.7,PP.1562-1565
- Kamalesh ,(2019),Effect of integrated weed management on growth and yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under the irrigated conditions of Punjab ,Agres- An International . Journal ,Vol.8,PP.097-108
- Kamalesh ,(2018),Effect of nitrogen and zinc on yield and economics of winter maize (Zea mays L.) Under irrigated condition of Punjab,Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry,Vol.SP1,PP.574-576
- Kamalesh ,(2018),Effect of nitrogen and zinc on growth and quality character of winter maize (zea mays l.) under irrigated condition of Punjab ,Agriways ,Vol.6,PP.27-31
- Kamalesh ,(2018),Influence of variable levels of phosphorus on nodulation, yield and nutrient status of promising varieties of soybean (Glycine max L.) ,Agriways ,Vol.6,PP.16-22
- Kamalesh ,(2018),Effect of integrated nutrient management practices on the growth and yield of Indian Mustard (Brassica juncea L.) under the irrigated conditions of Punjab ,Agriways ,Vol.6,PP.23-29
- Kamalesh ,(2018),Effect of integrated nutrient management practices on the growth and yield of potato (solanum tuberosum l.) under the irrigated conditions of Punjab ,Agriways ,Vol.6,PP.4-10
- Kamalesh ,(2016),Yield Attributes Yield and Quality of Soybean Influenced by Crop Varieties and Phosphorus,Indian Journal of Ecology,Vol.43(1),PP.325-327
- Kamalesh ,(2015),Growth, Yield and Water Use Efficiency of Transplanted Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Influenced by Moisture Regime and Integrated Nutrient Supply System,Environment & Ecology,Vol.33,PP.534—537
- Kamalesh ,(2014),Growth, Yield and Water Use Efficiency of Transplanted Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Influenced by Moisture Regime and Integrated Nutrient Supply System,Environment and Ecology,Vol.33 1B,PP.534-537
- Kamalesh ,(2014),Yield and nutrient uptake of transplanted rice (Oryza sativa) with different moisture regimes and integrated nutrient supply,Current Advances in Agricultural Sciences,Vol.6(1),PP.64-66
- Kamalesh ,(2014),Effect of Phosphorus and Varieties on Growth Parameter and Yield of Soybean (Glycine max L.),Environment and Ecology,Vol.33 (1),PP.155-157
- Kamalesh ,(2013),Effect of moisture regime and integrated nutrient supply on growth, yield and economics of transplanted rice. ,Oryza,Vol.Vol 50 No 2,PP.189-191
Books Published
Chapter in Books
- Kamalesh ,(2013),Effect of phosphorus levels on nodulation and yield of promising varieties of soybean (Glycine max L. Merril).,CAU RESEARCH NEWSLETTER,23-25,Directorate of Research C.A.U., Imphal
- Kamalesh ,(2011),Grishm Ritu mai Hara Chara Ugaye,Unnat Krishi,22-23,ICAR New Delhi
- Kamalesh Kumar,(2014,20-03-2014),Effect of Phosphorus and Varieties on Growth Parameter and Yield of Soybean,International conf. On Crop Productivity & Sustainability-Shaping the Future†,Baba Farid college ,Department of Agriculture
- Kamalesh ,(2021,22 December-05 Janua,22/12/2021), “Research Methodologyâ€,Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College University of Delhi
- Kamalesh ,(2020,June 26 -24 July ,26/06/2020), "Faculty in Universities/Colleges/Institutes of Higher Education",Teaching Lerning Center, Ramanujan college University of Delhi
Winter School
Faculty Development Programme
Short Term Course
Camps Attended
Video Lectures By Mr. Kamalesh Kumar
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